Interview by Carriere Magazine | TU/e | Text Leo Koomen
Nobleo Technology is focused on talent development. Its engineers work both in-house and at customer sites with project based high-tech engineering. They create prototypes and mechatronics solutions from concept to prototype, and design small-batch production systems. Nobleo’s customers can be roughly divided into two groups. On the one hand, there are the major players such as ASML, Philips, Bosch and SKF – big OEMs who are looking to outsource some of their development activities – and on the other, there are the start-ups: companies that have a great idea but need a technology partner to help them realize it.
Joyce van der Wal studied Mechanical Engineering in Eindhoven, with a specialization in Control Systems Technology. After completing her master’s in June 2024, she had a list of companies where she could imagine herself working. “At the 2024 Career Expo, I visited around 20 companies that seemed interesting to me. I didn’t actually know Nobleo at that time, but I had cycled past the premises in southern Eindhoven on several occasions. Our conversation at the Expo was very pleasant and I was invited for an interview. That was a very positive experience too. In particular, the great atmosphere stood out during that meeting.” “In addition, I was interested in Nobleo’s projectbased high-tech engineering activities. I’m personally focused on high-tech systems and there is a huge diversity of projects. Moreover, within the Systems department there is a separate section dedicated to my field of expertise: Dynamics & Control.”
“The work itself already appealed to me, but I also find the working atmosphere important. The culture at Nobleo is very special. Everyone is committed to not only maintaining a pleasant working environment, but also continuously improving it. The people here are enthusiastic and passionate, both about the work they do and the atmosphere. Numerous activities are organized, such as an employee Christmas dinner, skiing trips for those who are interested, games nights with good food included, and of course Friday afternoon drinks.” “Ultimately, the deciding factor for me was the personal attention you receive at Nobleo. It’s a slightly smaller company where people really support you. There are lots of different projects so you get help deciding which ones suit you and what will be good for your development. It’s people-focused.”
“I am currently working on two projects. I like that variety. I’m getting to know two different domains at the same time, and I’m learning more and faster. And there are lots of opportunities for learning at Nobleo in general. There’s a budget for courses or conferences if they help you with your projects or personal growth. My projects are in the field of laser
alignment. One of them is about optics, for which I’m doing a lot of extra learning. In the other project, I’m working on a test setup, which is more hands-on mechatronics.”
“I’ve only been working here for six months and am still at the start of my career, but I can already see that Nobleo is an attractive place to work for many engineers. Thanks to working on a project basis, you’re exposed to a lot of different companies. Another thing I like is the fact that Nobleo starts from nothing to develop a proof of concept. Moreover, the company supports your own development. Your team leader is also your coach and helps you to think about which areas of yourself you could further develop in the foreseeable future.
At the same time, there is the social side and the friendly atmosphere, which is thanks to the people themselves. Besides their passion for technology, they are also driven to maintain
and further improve the great working atmosphere here.”
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