Autonomous Solutions

Your partner in mobile robotics 

Nobleo’s Autonomous Solutions is a trusted partner to accelerate your path to automation. Find out more about our expertise in this video! 

Autonomous solutions for navigation 

We transform human-operated vehicles into fully autonomous robots that take over dirty, dull and dangerous jobs. That frees up your (and your customers’) people to concentrate on more valuable activities. While, in many cases, considerably cutting costs.

Let's outsmart tomorrow

Deep expertise in robot engineering 

Are you looking for a partner to help you develop your robots? Our Autonomy Partner Program gives you access to the expertise and resources you need. And our Nobleo Autonomy Core drives rapid deployment of autonomous systems. All in all, we can help you with many different aspects of robot engineering. Do you already have ROS-based robots deployed in the field? Great! And are you worried about ROS approaching end-of-life? We can show you what it takes to migrate your system with a ROS 2 quick-scan, or we’ll help you seamlessly transition to ROS 2. 

Nobleo Autonomy Core
Nobleo Autonomy Core

Find out more about our technology, markets and proof points. Or if you want to get in touch with us, click the button below.