Design House+ Strengthens Asian Partnerships

Addressing new mechatronics innovation challenges in Asia

Design House+

Recently, Ruud Van der Aalst, Frank Sperling and Marcel Tabor visited several clients in Asia. Existing collaborations were evaluated and new ones were discussed.

Many of our customers have a supply chain (partially) based in Asia. To effectively support them in optimizing the current chain or addressing new mechatronics innovation challenges, it is essential that we gain insight into their entire production chain. On-site monitoring, measuring, and assessing the chain provide us with the optimal understanding and knowledge to meet these requirements and ensure a successful product development flow. Together with our know-how in mechatronics and industrialization, we are a perfect match for their innovative ambitions and enthusiasm.

With Design House+, we serve existing and new clients from an idea that exists on paper to a tangible, reproducible product that is ready for volume production. Setting up the supply chain is part of this process. Successfully establishing this requires careful planning, strategy, execution and understanding of international opportunities. During our recent visit to Asia, we had several meetings to establish local partnerships primarily for production.

For more information about Design House+, read our Design House+ article: Or feel free to contact us.