Robocup Montreal 2018

Nobleo Technology at Robocup 2018

During the Robocup 2018 in Montreal, Nobleo Technology employees participated at the TechUnited team in the “Middle size soccer robots” and the “@home competition”. In the video you see our colleague Ferry Schoemakers explaining a bit of his robotic work at the competition.

Tech United is a multidisciplinary team of (former) students, PhD’s and employees of the Eindhoven University of Technology that focusses on the development of robotics. Knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer algorithms are used to solve problems. Tech United’s home base is the RoboCup stadium at the Eindhoven University of Technology and it is supported by Nobleo Technology.

After a very exciting match against CAMBADA, Tech United managed to retrieve the world title for the fourth time. Tech United is the World Champion Middle Size League Soccer! Thanks to all the fans for your support!

Watch the video below.


Short description of the photo. Every photo should have his own if possible.